29 October 2007

love actually

I just finished watching this movie five minutes ago. It's a 2003 romantic comedy movie with a gorgeous cast and a plot revolving around these themes:

  • love is elementary
  • love unspoken
  • love at work
  • love and politics
  • love lasts a lifetime
  • love as a second language
  • love rocks on
arrival airport gates are way better than the departure gates.

The juliet-mark, sarah-karl, and harry-karen love stories were sad. I can so relate to mark when he said "it's called self-preservation", an answer to juliet's "but you never liked me".

There were a lot of cute scenes but i must say a hidden sarah silently saying "YES!" while karl was just behind an adjacent wall was funny. I hope and pray i won't become like sarah who had to choose her duty and love of her psychologically ill brother over a hot guy she's clearly crazy about or like karen when she confronts the reality that her husband is having/going to have an affair. It's so sad...

The music Love is all around brings back Four Weddings and a Funeral memories...hello high school and Hugh Grant! Hugh Grant never fails to make my heart flutter with his British accent and rumpled-puppy-eyed-look. And he's a good dancer *deadpan expression*

No regrets buying the PhP75.00 CD hehehe in fact i'm gonna buy the OST for this movie...ay, i'll download na lg, free pa! lol


M said...

that is a great soundtrack! ang gatukar when she finds out about her husband, joni mitchell's both sides now. that's a great song. so sad. huhuhu. yeah that movie was sweet. i had a tiny crush on martin freeman (from the office uk) when i saw it.

chocoliya said...

melai!!! r u in pinas na? i haven't been online for about a week now, dsl is busted at home and the "customer support" is driving me crazy! =(

i'm experiencing inet withdrawal symptoms hahaha i had to go to a local inet station to satisfy my "urge" teehee