05 July 2008


ok, so our bitch is in labor and just 10 mins ago i saw her gave birth to her first puppy. spitting image of the father. too bad it wasn't breathing...the freaky part was when i saw the mother devour the head of the dead pup. NOT COOL AT ALL. *shudder* i ran away from the "labor box" because i just can't take it.

so i googled if it's normal for the mother to eat her young. turned out it's instinctive for the mother to eliminate dead/abnormal pups. survival of the fittest and all that shit. ugh. poor puppy.

8:30 am
none of the pups survived =(

why do i have to witness cannibalism on my pets?

12:30 noon
now i'm feeling guilty with the what ifs...what if i stayed with the mother dog last night? what if one of the pups was alive and she ate it too? what if the mom accidentally sat on her pups? dang...

"don't count the chicks when the eggs have not yet hatched"
part of our disappointment with the zero litter was because two of the pups were already promised to be given to friends. i guess it was tempting fate.


edzmaya said...

my gosh ley! kasubo! :-( i had dogs all my life but i haven't seen any of ours eat her pups. that would be very traumatic for me.

chocoliya said...

you're lucky edz.

gna scold namun ang doggie kay kapala-away na sa iya sbg...my mom was like "te, tni may mga bata ka na sbg. kapala-away abi sa imu. indi ka kabalo magtatap sa mga bata mo" to the dog hehehe

next time a.

M said...

waw! it must have been freaky to see. but it happens quite a lot daw esp. kung defective ang puppy. shucks. basi may postpartum depression pa sha!

Anonymous said...

Choco! I must have had ESP! All of a sudden I just HAD to text you about the puppy, because it's name popped into my head while I was on duty! And now this happened! Maybe I wasn't meant to have a puppy after all... I mean, I can't even take care of myself...


chocoliya said...

yani, sa next litter ikaw man gyapon ang #1 sa waiting list hehehe

melai - gakadlaw ako sa postpartum depression comment mo hehehe